
Sub-boards: Bar of Tranquility, Realms of the Unknown, Room of Treasury

Blue Rooms

Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)

last post in The Blue Rooms by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:27:56 GMT -8

1 1

Sub-boards: Red Cat Lounge, Love Hotel: Lust Room, The Gallery

Red Rooms

Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)

last post in The Red Rooms by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:29:27 GMT -8

1 1

Sub-boards: The Loft, Blank Destiny, Entrepreneur

Green Rooms

Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)

last post in The Green Rooms by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:31:00 GMT -8

1 1

Sub-boards: Silver Vanity Master Room, Golden Dining of the Masters, Diamond Dust

Rich Palette

Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)

last post in The Rich Palette by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:32:30 GMT -8

1 1

Club Vanity Arcade (Sacrifice Only)

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  New Content!BookmarkLockedFalling
created by Zeal last post by Zeal
Jun 7, 2016 14:33:21 GMT -8
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  New Content!BookmarkLockedFalling
created by Zeal last post by Zeal
Apr 28, 2015 11:33:43 GMT -8


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Club Vanity Arcade
There are no entry areas within the amusement park where only a part of the unit world may enter. Sort of like a secret training ground where anything goes and your greatest enemy is your mind. Only the brave come to test their wit against themselves here in the sectioned off areas of Club Vanity. This was built by sacrifices of high intellect to test ones abilities against themselves and push their minds to limits far unknown. Many have come but very few have conquered their minds here at Club Vanity.

Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)
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Zeal Avatar
Aug 22, 2021 16:25:04 GMT -8
Zeal: Testing
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:23:58 GMT -8
yuri: I think thr box is set up for member only cinnie
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:24:07 GMT -8
yuri: But hey u got it to work agsin!
Zeal Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:52:29 GMT -8
Zeal: Yeah just members
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