
Ring of Crows

Welcome to the birds nest also known as the Ring of Crows. As you walk down the hallway leading from the secret spot of the Admissions Office you notice images of Men and Women who have earned their feathers in this nest of Crows. If the images of greatness scare you are you truly ready to become a fighter of the flock? If not you may be here for a while in order to obtain your wings and move on to the next round. You must win 5 Sets here to gain your feathers and move onto the next round. If you are a higher difficulty then you have to win more fights. To obtain the King or Queen title you have to have a number of consecutive wins to gain the title track. If someone is in the seat gain the set number of wins and then you must battle him or her for the respected seat. It is a grand event so be prepared for publicity among the Fight Club.

last post in Ring of Crows ~(Ring 1 of the Fight Club)~ by Tsukiyoko Apr 27, 2015 22:50:35 GMT -8

1 1

Ring of Royal Thrones

Welcome to the throne room also known as the Ring of Royal Thrones. Your path leads you to the castle on the amusement park grounds. Of course this is a storybook meant for little girls but beside the dragon's lair is the door stating no entry. Here is the magical stairwell that cycles you down to a hidden room many never knew existed till they had to fight. As you walk into the throne room riches decorate this massive underground hall. Only the bravest of the brave and the toughest guards around have made it here. Each item here representing a person from the court who has made it to greatness. Do you think you have what it takes to earn a place here in the Throne room? You must win 5 Sets here to gain your golden coins and move onto the next round. If you are a higher difficulty then you have to win more fights. To obtain the King or Queen title you have to have a number of consecutive wins to gain the title track. If someone is in the seat gain the set number of wins and then you must battle him or her for the respected seat. It is a grand event so be prepared for publicity among the Fight Club.

last post in Ring of Royal Thrones ~(Ring 2 of the Fight Club)~ by Tsukiyoko Apr 28, 2015 0:05:01 GMT -8

1 1

Ring of Laws

Welcome to the island across from the Amusement Park also known as the Ring of Laws. The only way to cross here is by boat so be on time to reach your fight. At night there is a mysterious air about this place and with dim lighting along with cameras lacing the place up you may start to wonder if you will be battling the environment as well. If your opponent doesn't scare you then the things that bump in the night may surely do so before the fight begins. You must win 5 Sets here to gain your badges and move onto the next round. If you are a higher difficulty then you have to win more fights. To obtain the King or Queen title you have to have a number of consecutive wins to gain the title track. If someone is in the seat gain the set number of wins and then you must battle him or her for the respected seat. This area prohibits guests to physically be there to view the fight. It is broadcasted on large screens in designated areas which will be posted when the date of the fight is announced.

last post in Ring of Laws ~(Ring 3 of the Fight Club)~ by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:07:38 GMT -8

1 1

Ring of the Iron Fist

Welcome to the Pagoda in the middle of the Amusement Park also known as the Ring of the Iron Fist. This area is locked until the time to battle begins. Please line up within the roped off area as soon as the firework show begins. You are to remain here until the area is cleared and Event staff come to check your ID's. Once everyone is cleared the line will start to move into the Pagoda and the rooms on the first, second and third floor will be available for viewing. If more rooms for viewing must be opened then the event staff will opening the next rooms. All rooms must be full before the next one is opened. The participants will be moving to the top floor, 10th, to enter the arena. As the battle is under way the giant screens will play a synopsis of the the fighters fights and their mini interviews. This is put together to hype the crowd and get everyone motivated to reach this level. Once the match begins the cameras will switch to the top floor which is a dojo room. Watch and enjoy the final matches. Think you will ever come up on the top of Iron Fist?

last post in Ring of the Iron Fist ~(Ring 4 of the Fight Club)~ by Zeal Apr 28, 2015 11:20:27 GMT -8

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Fight Club (Fighters Only)

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Fight Club
There are areas within the amusement park where only a part of the unit world may enter. Sort like a secret training ground where anything goes and your greatest enemy is your mind. Only the brave come to test their strength against their opponents here Fight Club. This was built by Fighters built in Greatness known as the Iron Fists to test ones abilities against not only others but against theirselves. Many have come but very few have stood on the top of Fight Club as the Don. Why not take a peek inside shall we? (Please note you have to register for your fights before hand.)

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Please keep in mind this is a no holds barred and if you test your strength against another you are only at 50% capacity. Your sacrifice can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)
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Zeal Avatar
Aug 22, 2021 16:25:04 GMT -8
Zeal: Testing
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:23:58 GMT -8
yuri: I think thr box is set up for member only cinnie
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:24:07 GMT -8
yuri: But hey u got it to work agsin!
Zeal Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:52:29 GMT -8
Zeal: Yeah just members
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