
The Loft

This room is called the The Loft. Some of the top Sacrifices live humble lives where others have the best looking homes around the world. This home is named top Loft of the year and our replica captured her living room essence. No worries we are not high off the ground our screens just show her room view. Sit on the couch and enjoy the view while listening to Jazz music until you are instructed to begin.

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Blank Destiny

This room is called the Blank Destiny. Another famous artist has a blank waiting room for his guests before the grand hall is open for showcasing. Here we want you to imagine all your greatest achievements to come and splash the walls with your imagination. Nothing will be in your way in this open space as you let your mind wander free about your wills of destruction.

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The last room in this collection is called the Entrepreneur. Some are very successful business men or women found around the globe. But One Sacrifice is top of the line with her Interior designs and architecture. This is a replica of one of her offices and here you can see what others would be enviously green about. She understands color plays a major role and when you step into her office it is business and money. Please sit in the waiting room as you enjoy some of her famous songs to listen to as you wait.

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Green Rooms

2 replies
  New Content!BookmarkLockedFalling
created by Zeal last post by Zeal
Jun 7, 2016 14:33:21 GMT -8
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  New Content!BookmarkLockedFalling
created by Zeal last post by Zeal
Apr 28, 2015 11:31:00 GMT -8


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked New Content! New Poll Bookmark

Board Information & Statistics

Green Rooms
Before you enter into the separate private game rooms you have to sign in at the teller whom guards the door. You will need to sign in and they will hand you a key to one of the rooms for you to use. Each room is coded in a color for a reason due to the amount of tolerance you can take. Some rooms you fight against more than one unit at a time which pushes the limit of a sacrifice's strength. Unlike the fighters who show off in front of others no one else is allowed in these rooms but you. So come with a prepared mind and sound body. You will need it going through this virtual simulation of gauntlet battles.

(You can only use the Topics that are provided to you. Your fighter can not feel nor hear you due to the damper system around the area. Fight at your own risk!)
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*Keep Swearing to a Minimum. *No Role plays are allowed in the chat box. *Discussions and plans are fine. *Break a rule and you will be Penalized. *Treat others with respect and kindness when chatting.
Zeal Avatar
Aug 22, 2021 16:25:04 GMT -8
Zeal: Testing
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:23:58 GMT -8
yuri: I think thr box is set up for member only cinnie
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:24:07 GMT -8
yuri: But hey u got it to work agsin!
Zeal Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:52:29 GMT -8
Zeal: Yeah just members
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