
Sub-boards: Train Station, Garden, Farmland

Utsukushii Prefecture

Aristocrat Territory: Hanazono Family
Earth Contract: Inactive
Welcome to Utsukushii Prefecture, or the Rurals as the locales call it. The place known as "Beautiful" is nothing to describe it. You have to visit it this place to experience it. This area is 1 hour and 20 minutes away from the main city and 20 minutes away from the base of the mountains. Everything was covered by beautiful flowers, trees and wildlife. Over time people moved here enjoying the serene view of nature right in their backyard. Many of the houses here are old fashioned and so are the traditional methods.

last post in Utsukushii Overview by Zeal Sept 2, 2015 15:50:10 GMT -8

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Sub-boards: Pier, Beach

Kibō Beach

Aristocrat Territory: **Undergoing Maintenance**
Air Contract: Inactive
The perfect place to tan in the sun or people watch the most beautiful sunsets. Warm sand, cool, clear blue waters. Certain areas are private and only accessible to those with houses along the shore.

last post in Kojiro Pier Overview by Zeal Apr 18, 2015 12:06:33 GMT -8

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Outer City Limits of Kibō

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Jun 7, 2016 14:33:21 GMT -8


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Outer City Limits of Kibō
Kibō has so much to offer not only inside its city. Take a cruise on the coastal side and discover the wonders our world has to offer.

We have the Utsukushii Prefecture, please see the city map for the location, filled with gardens, farmland and homes built on traditions of eras long past.

Come now let's not forget the most beautiful spots to hit on those hot, humid days. White sands, blue waters, hot summer days~ You know Kibō Beach is nothing short of breathtaking. Even the movie industry loves filming here. From dream homes to the coolest beach parties these families ensure the best of the best stands out in every possible way.
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Zeal Avatar
Aug 22, 2021 16:25:04 GMT -8
Zeal: Testing
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:23:58 GMT -8
yuri: I think thr box is set up for member only cinnie
yuri Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:24:07 GMT -8
yuri: But hey u got it to work agsin!
Zeal Avatar
Aug 25, 2021 20:52:29 GMT -8
Zeal: Yeah just members
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